Bobby Rotan is a fourth generation professional in the Hvac industry. His Lineage started when his great grandfather couldn’t secure a fifty-dollar loan to keep his farm operating leaving him with the only option of starting his own plumbing company that has evolved into a multimillion-dollar business today.
Bobby Started off as many in his position do, getting yelled at from his father for holding a flashlight
wrong. He worked his way up from there to installer helper where he finally learned to hold a flash light
correctly to service technician producing over a million dollars out of his truck to comfort consultant
where he became a four million dollar producer.
Bobby is truly a No pressure selling process success story, he had attended a dozen of the various
seminars over his career where he developed a passion for helping his fellow technician and consultants
develop a process that would help them find out exactly what the customer wanted to buy.
Bobby’s instructing style is a unique blend of hilarious stories from the fifteen years he has spent in the
field as well as inclusive discussions on what works and what doesn’t work. His philosophy can best be
summed up with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson “In my walks every man I meet is my superior in
some way, and in that I learn from him.”