Commercial HVAC Sales Training
If you tried to replace just 10% of the commercial HVAC equipment in your area that is worn out, unreliable, or leaking energy like an open window, you probably couldn’t do it in 10 lifetimes! Problem is, most commercial HVAC equipment owners won’t replace their equipment until it falls apart or falls off the roof. If you’re like most contractors and wait for the equipment to die or “go out to bid”, you’re too late!
Sebastian Valentine shares his thoughts after attending a recent Commercial HVAC Sales Training course.
To tap this enormous market, you must have a proven plan, the right tools, and an understanding of how to sell cash flow, property value, and productivity. You’ve got to document why they should replace it now, before it dies. You’ll gain the tools, sales skills, and self-confidence to sell more commercial comfort equipment than you and your company ever believed possible!
Matthew Kemp from Greencastle, PA gives feedback on his Commercial HVAC Sales Training experience
Day 1 Prospecting and Discovering Opportunities.
- Turning repair calls into recurring revenue streams.
- The power of light commercial service agreements.
- How a dedicated Commercial Account Representative can grow your business.
- How to manage the commercial account process from start to finish.
- The differences between account management, prospecting, and cold-calling; and which will work best for you and your company.
Day 2 Understanding the Marketplace.
- Learn who makes the buying decisions and what will motivate them to buy from you.
- Getting past the “gatekeeper”.
- Creating a custom ROI for each potential client.
- Surveying your customers’ needs.
- What to ask, and how to ask it.
- What makes light commercial sales so much different than residential sales.
- The typical life cycle of a sale.
- Proper pricing.
- Marketing opportunities.
- Discover the real estate principles you must know to reach ultra-success.
- Review No-Pressure Selling® Tools that you’ll use to close the sale. Prepare to deal with objections such as: “need to think about it,” “your price is too high,” “can’t afford it.”
Day 3 Creating an eye-opening proposal.
- New exercises let you see how others deal with the objections you’ll receive every day.
- Skills practice: use the copyrighted financial tools to show they can afford it.
- Skills practice: use the tools to deal with all common objections.
- How to use the building and equipment survey to “lock in” the sale.
- How to turn survey results into a one-of-a-kind proposal and presentation.
- How to write an “exclusive benefits” proposal that will sell decision makers thousands of miles away.
- Focusing your proposal on the real value-building items.
- What to include vs. what not to include.
- How to focus on the most important needs of each different client.
- Develop a No Pressure Selling® presentation using proven materials provided.
Day 4 Presenting and Gaining Commitment!
- Skills practice: you’ll use the sales tools you’ve developed to make a videotaped presentation.
- Three simple scenarios to handle every objection you can imagine.
- When to schedule your presentation.
- Knowing and understanding your audience.
- Tying benefits they said they wanted to your custom presentation.
- Clearly outlining the ROI and benefits only you and your company can provide.
- Making “yes” decisions the logical conclusion to your presentation.
- Dealing with decision makers.
- Demonstrating the value of your company, products, and expertise.
- The best practices for following up on your proposals.
- Class members will use a checklist to evaluate your presentation and make recommendations.
- After presentations, certificates of accomplishment will be presented.
Contact us for more information and get ready to trump your competition this year!